Thanks for visiting my blog.

Het zou leuk zijn wanneer je een berichtje achterlaat. :-)
I would appreciate a little message. :-)

Hierbij wil ik Petra bedanken want dankzij haar geweldige site,, ben ik met de bouw van mijn poppenhuis begonnen.

Thanks to Petra. Without her nice site,, I would never been started with my doll house.

Ik probeer de dingen die ik maak zo goed mogelijk te omschrijven maar er kunnen soms typefoutjes in de tekst staan dus controleer van te voren even of het allemaal klopt.

The thing I create I put on my blog. Although I try to make no mistakes it's possible that something went wrong so please check before you make a copy.

vrijdag 27 mei 2011

Versailles mirror room parquet floor design for Garfieldhouse.

Mathematics wasn't my favorite field of study. So I'm happy that my husband is very Mathematics and that he will support me with the subjects that need that skill.
The first design
 At the left you see the first design that somebody made. But it wasn't the floor we wanted. So on the right you see the new design made by my husband. After a few days we realized that the scale 1:12 wasn't correct.

So second design:

On the left side is the right design.

This is the correct pattern for the parquet floor.

Now we have to cut the oak veneer. Glue it on ivory board.

We glued the wood from outside to the middle and wanted to fill the open  spaces but as you can see there are some lines that doesn't line up. So we  made a new pattern

Glue the 4 longest pieces on the board. Then you go to the middle of that square and glue the parts on the board. You can correct some pieces when you work to the edge. This is the pattern I like for my doll house. Now we have to sand and polish this part to see how it looks when it's finished.

So when you like to know how the floor in the doll house continues you can become a follower. I think that it takes some time to get this floor in the house. It took 4 hours to make this little part of the floor and I didn't count the parts we need for the house.  Mindless and gaze at infinity. 

1 opmerking:

  1. Unbelievable!!
    4 hours for just one floor tile!
    But hey.. the first one is the most difficult ofcourse.
    Please keep up the good work, I love it!
